College Guys POV Gay DVD
Corbin Fisher 1
72 Minuten
ab 18 Jahre
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College Guys POV
While there's always some blazing hot sex being captured on camera at CF, a whole new dimension of fun gets added when we hand out young college studs a camera so they can film themselves going at it with one another. That POV, first-person view gets each of us as close to the action as possible, and you start to feel like you're in the midst of all that intense sex with the guys! The guys we're seeing up-close here are some of CF's biggest stars - Aiden. Tom, Connor, Tanner, Kellan, Clinton, Kent & Colt - and the action we see shows us they not only shine in front of the cameras, but shine as the directors and cameramen for their own sexual adventures in this action-packed collection of POV episodes!