Answered Prayers Gay DVD
Cocky Boys 2
ab 18 Jahre
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34,79 €
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34,79 €
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Answered Prayers
Subject to change without notice From acclaimed director Jake Jaxson, and Winner of 2015 Cybersocket Web Award: Movie and Web Series of the Year, Answered Prayers is a profoundly layered seven-part morality play that goes where no other film in the adult industry has gone before - The Banker; The Healer; The Bully; The Ascension of the Lamb; The Assumption of the Lamb; The Redeemer; and The Actor. This special 3-disc edition contains bonus scenes, a Making-of segment, bloopers, multiple character trading cards, four character peel-off stickers and a full-color 12-page booklet with liner notes. Featuring knockout performances by a 16-man ensemble cast of the hottest CockyBoys, this exquisite work simply must be seen to be believed.